Thursday, January 21, 2010

in rehab, phase II

Well as you know phase one, was focusing on learning how to sleep, and be normal again. and that was the first 7 days. i also greatly limited my communication during that time. i have since opened up my communication, trying to understand when it bothers me, when it's distracting from my phd, and how much time i spend on it. it's getting better. i started talking about the W word again, that's right wedding. at first, i was feeling really bad, disappointed, angry, and overwhelmed like before. BUT things are starting to smooth out, as my perspective changes, and most importantly i have HAPPY HELP! esp from RB. i decided to approach everything positively there are some pockets/persons who still suck out the some of the energy, but that's getting better too. i'm trying to figure out how to make wedding planning a healthy part of my life while i complete my thesis. the biggest things is to see RB active and involved, and then my family. everything i've done or have been doing  i never would have dreamed of. i just never thought i'd get in the car and just leave school. and today i'm going wedding dress shopping with my daddy...that wasn't in the plans either. so i'm just doing "Let Go, and Let God"

1 comment:

SolidMastery said...

Good Stuff.
I have already gave my cold/hot shower advice for sleeping.

Interestingly enough, psychology professor Seth Roberts has some interesting ideas on improved sleeping :

1. Garlic?
2. Standing on 1 foot?
3. Adjusting your computer's colors with the day (
4. Animal Fat (i.e., Real Butter)
5. Avoiding Breakfast

Sounds crazy, but some of those might just work :)